Smart Care® Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Smart Care® is a low-moisture encapsulation cleaning system with technology that is designed to maintain consistent appearance levels and extend carpet lifecycles.
Smart Care® allows facilities to increase cleaning frequencies and perform carpet manufacturers recommended, low-moisture pile lifting at every cleaning interval.
Low-residue chemistry eliminates common issues like sticky carpets, odours, and recurring carpet stains. Our sustainable chemistry is safe and effective. There are no chemical fumes, carcinogens, or other dangers.
Smart Care® uses unique crystallizing polymers combined with effective detergent components to emulsify dry and oily embedded soils and then bind them with the soil particles so when the chemistry dries in a crystalline structure (usually in 30 to 40 minutes), it is easily removed from the carpet fibre with routine vacuuming.
Using Smart Care® as part of a scheduled maintenance program can extend the carpet’s visual appearance which often limits carpet life to five years or less. As a result of regular encapsulation cleaning, measurably cleaner carpets will keep the indoor environment fresh and maintain carpet appearance.
Water conservation:
The high demand for environmentally conscious facility management places new challenges on carpet cleaning. Most facilities still use hot water extraction systems to clean carpets, resulting in high water demand and contaminated wastewater.
Smart Care® has the solution to save water ,by using low-moisture cleaning, Smart Care® puts less demand on your facility’s water consumption while saving time and money and ensuring every square foot of carpet looks its best.
Water savings are approximately 87% compared to using tradition HWE systems
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