Taski Swingo 755 BMS Scrubber Dryer

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Taski Cleaning Machine : BEST ON LINE PRICE

Taski Swingo 755B Floor Cleaning Machine

The Taski swingo 755B BMS Floor Cleaning Machine is a battery operated walk behind scrubber dryer which is ideal for using on all types of floor areas.The Taskiswingo 755B is very robust, durable, reliable and engineered to withstand the toughest cleaning tasks.With a 43CM cleaning width the Taski 755B size make it perfect for large floor areas in Sports Halls, Hotels, Hospitals, Education Facilities in Kitchens and Canteens. Powerful vacuum and high brush pressure achieves excellent cleaning performance and delivers significantly higher hygiene levels leaving floors dry and really to walk on. Maintenance of Taski 755B is kept to a minimum with the easy to identify Yellow components . The ergonomically designed, height-adjustable handle with hand protection allows for the safe and comfortable operator use.

Taski Cleaning Machine : BEST ON LINE PRICE

Taski Swingo 755B Floor Cleaning Machine

The Taski swingo 755B BMS Floor Cleaning Machine is a battery operated walk behind scrubber dryer which is ideal for using on all types of floor areas.The Taskiswingo 755B is very robust, durable, reliable and engineered to withstand the toughest cleaning tasks.With a 43CM cleaning width the Taski 755B size make it perfect for large floor areas in Sports Halls, Hotels, Hospitals, Education Facilities in Kitchens and Canteens. Powerful vacuum and high brush pressure achieves excellent cleaning performance and delivers significantly higher hygiene levels leaving floors dry and really to walk on. Maintenance of Taski 755B is kept to a minimum with the easy to identify Yellow components . The ergonomically designed, height-adjustable handle with hand protection allows for the safe and comfortable operator use.

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Product Tags: PRICE INCLUDES : Batteries, On Board Charger, Scrubbing Brush and UK delivery


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